


I just wanted to let everyone know I'm ok. I have neglected my blog for over a week. I have been busy with work. I haven't even changed my nail polish in five days. Seems weird but I have been so tired that I just leave them alone. They still look good.

I am looking to actually organize my polishes better. I bought two different styles of polish racks that'll hold over 300. I also bought a small desk. I am making a small cubby in the house a polish station. I'll probably need more but I want to get these filled and set up first.

Anyways, I will get back to blogging in the next day or two. This month's theme for mt NCC group is all about using my untrieds. I have so many that I think I'm gonna dedicate the rest of the month with using my untried polishes. I have so many! I actually just bought 16 Sephora by OPI polishes from Big Lots for $1.80 a piece.


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