

NCC Around The World #3 - Seattle!

Here is my NCC Around the World #3. I had to do a Seattle mani since it's kinda where I live... I can see the Space Needle from my house. It had to be green because Seattle is the Emerald City. I tried some freehand painting to paint the Space Needle and am actually very pleased with the results. I was expecting to have to do a few tries at it before it looked good. I also played with a few new polishes too.

I painted on 2 coats of A England Dragon. It is a pretty dark green holo polish. I wanted to throw in the bottle shot so you could see the color better.

I used 3 coats of Cult Nails Deal With It. I absolutely LOVE this color!!!

I used China Glaze Stone Cold for my painted Space Needle. I used Stone Cold and Deal With It along with dotting tools for the dots.



  1. This looks great and the freehand is really good!

    1. Thank you! I think I am going to try to do more freehand. I'm starting to feel a bit more confident.


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