

NCC Flowers #3 - Reece's Polka Dots & Flowers

Can you believe July is almost over? I can't... especially since I am just posting my third flowers mani. Not worried about getting in number four before the end. Anyways, I wanted to do dots with flowers. I don't do dots too often and I wanted to see how well I could make a diagonal lined pattern of dots. I did pretty good I think. I put some flowers on my ring finger for a bit of contrast and to have a flower mani to post.

I started off with 2 coats of Zoya Reece. I used Zoya Happi, Pure Ice Platinum, and China Glaze Happy Go Lucky for the flowers and dots.

I love how Zoya Reece and Happi have a green flash to them. Just gives these colors a little extra... especially when you wouldn't expect a pink or violet polish to flash green.


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