

NCC Flowers #1 - Dodgy Flowers

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since the 4th. I keep saying I am going to post more often and do the opposite. Hopefully my motivation gets better soon. Now on to my mani. The theme for July is flowers. I decided to do a bit of stamping for the first one.

I started with 2 coats of Butter London Dodgy Barnett. I thought a subtle holo polish would be a good background. I used 4 different green polishes and some striping brushes for the stems. I used a variety of plates and polishes for the flowers.

Here is my thumb.

This is my pointer finger.

This is my middle finger. It has the biggest flowers on it.

My ring finger is my favorite.

And lastly, here is my pinky finger.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a meadow on your fingers. I especially like the way your pointer finger turned out.


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