

NCC Neons #3 - Brushes Neon Rainbow

Well this was meant to be posted yesterday but I got sidetracked and forgot. Oops. This is my third neon mani for my Nail Challenge Collaborative group. I thought doing a brushed look would be cool. I just happened to put the colors on in almost a rainbow. It wasn't intentional when I was doing it. 

So I started out with 3 coats of Orly White Tips. I think this went on a bit streakier than usual. I probably should have just gone with Zoya Purity but thought that it would be a waste if it was getting covered up.

The neon colors I used are: Color Club (blue), Color Club Limelight (green), China Glaze Celtic Sun (yellow), Color Club (pink), Color Club Amp'd Up (orange/red), and Color Club Electric Coral (purple).

I decided to brush Color Club Beyond in the middle of each nail for a little something extra.


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