

June '13 Ipsy bag

June's Ipsy bag was not as exciting as the last few but it is still pretty good. The theme for June is "On The Wild Side" though, besides the bag, doesn't really make sense. Maybe it's just me. I dunno. Anyways, check out the stuff that I got.

It came with a leopard print bag with neon yellow accents. I would love this bag if the zipper was at the top instead of on the side. 

This is Psssst! Dry Shampoo. I don't use dry shampoo but you never know when it might come in handy... maybe a camping trip or something like that. This didn't fit in the bag.

I also received a highlighter pencil by Chella. The color is Ivory Lace. This is perfect for the brow area. I haven't tried it but it looks nice.

I giggled when I saw this lip liner pencil. It is a Starlooks pencil and I have the Starlooks subscription service. I love the color Tipsy. I'm not a lip liner fan but who knows, I might find myself using it as a full lip color.

This is my favorite product this month. This is Mosaic Powder by NYX. It is a bronzing blush. I like these kind of blushes. It is the perfect color for me... not too pink or bronze.

The last thing in my bag was a Sparkling Creal Palette in Suzie by J.Cats Beauty. I thought a slightly blurry pic would show the glitter better. Maybe that works best for holo glitter. I dunno. One thing to note, this is not meant to be used around the eye area. I can't see myself using it other places.


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