

Crumpet's New 31 Day Challenge: Day 4

Today is all about pink... my second favorite color. I have quite a few pink polishes and had a lot of ideas. I was going through my stamp plates and came across this plate. I decided it had to be a lighter shade of pink.

So I started out with 3 coats of Kleancolor Holo Pink. I picked this one because I don't think I have used it yet and it seemed like a perfect time to try it out. 

I used the Cheeky CH15 stamp plate with Konad black polish. I actually tried using my hot pink Konad polish but you couldn't see the stamp very well. That is no bueno! So I wiped off the pink stamp and used black... Much better. 

Close-up! Look at the rainbow of colors. 
I love holo polishes and I gotta say that this is such a cute stamp!


1 comment:

  1. This came out beautiful - until I popped the photo a bit larger and saw it was a stamp, I thought you had some new amazing kind of 'reveal' polish (a la OPI Black Spotted) that was peeking through the pink. This is a nice Klenecolor shade - I also have a soft spot in my hear for's been a go to shade for polish since I started wearing polish in the 60's. And being a BC twice survivor now, I firmly support the pink!


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