

Crumpet's New 31 Day Challenge: Day 16

Day 16 is color opposites. I found a pie graph showing color opposites and these two colors of orange and blue were opposite of each other. I decided to use striping tape and make a design with it. It almost turned out the way I had expected. I just wish the lines were neat and none of the blue polish had lifted. I do have to say that this reminds me of the Denver Broncos. I don't like the Broncos, I am a San Diego Chargers fan!

I applied 2 coats of Zoya Arizona for the base. I thought about using a darker orange but this one is the exact opposite according to the chart. 

I used some striping tape for the design and painted Color Club Otherworldly over it. I had to apply it heavily to show the true color. I thought about starting off with white before applying the blue but that was after I had already started.

The tape didn't come up as nicely as I had hoped. It still looks ok. 


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