

Let It Snow Challenge: Snowflakes

I love winter! I am so excited for this challenge! The first challenge is snowflakes. After doing my nails, I really want it to snow. Unfortunately, we are enjoying flooding. I haven't had to deal with flooded streets because I have been at home sleeping during high tide when it happened. It was crazy to read about because I drove through some of the flooded area 4 hours later with no signs of flooding anywhere. So weird. Anyways, back to my snow flake nails...

I used 2 coats of OPI Just Groovy on my ring finger and thumb. My other fingers were painted with another one of my creations. I'm not really showing it off since I covered it up with snowflakes. It does not have any underwear... it is a light blue shimmer jelly with med. light blue holo squares, med. dark blue holo hexes, large silver holo hexes, and pearl white diamonds. I don't have a name for it.

I stamped my ring finger and thumb with Zoya Trixie and BM-323. I stamped all of my nails using Pure Ice Platinum and plates SH17 and A39 for all of the white snowflakes.

You can see the silver snowflakes much better in this picture.



  1. Lovely - even if I cannot recreate it exactly you have given me inspiration! I love Trixi and on the melange of these dusty blues looks great. Pulling in the white too just gives it a total snow effect - like I would remember - I have lived away from VT so long now, I hardly recall what REAL snow is like to live in!

  2. LOVE these! And I'm glad you showed the close up, I would have missed the silver if you didn't. <3

    1. I thought the silver was a nice background. I really wanted the white snowflakes to stand out.

  3. Replies
    1. I'd been wanting to do double stamping without it being too much. I love how these turned out.


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