

Puzzle Party

Well I skipped out on posting yesterday because I lost track of time. So I decided to add a cute stamp to my nails. Funny thing is today I was going through my iPad testing out apps I installed and found a great puzzle app. It was very hard but I got it! Yay!

So I had painted my nails with Orly After Party. After Party is black full of purple, pink and blue glitter/shimmer. It is a really pretty color but I thought it needed something more. I picked my BM-319 and used the puzzle stamp. 

I think the design is very cute. I just wish the application was better.

I think I should have used my Konad white stamping polish instead of Pure Ice Platinum. I am also curious as to why there are a couple spots on most of my nails where the stamp should be. My right hand looks much worse. I wonder if I can get a replacement.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Karine! I really wish it had turned out better. Maybe next time. I still have to see if I can get a replacement plate. I really hope so.


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