

Kleancolor Holos

So I made an eBay purchase of 18 bottles of Kleancolor polish for around $26 and that's including the shipping. I now have all of their holo polishes. This post is the regular holo polishes... no chunky holos.
Please excuse the chipped polish wheel. It came that way and for some reason i couldn't find my other ones.

This is Holo Chrome. I am not sure why it is called chrome because it looks nothing like chrome. It is a very pretty dark purple/blue color. I think this one is my favorite out of all of them.

2 coats and TC

This one is Holo Blue. It is a nice pastel blue color. 

2 coats and TC

This is Holo Green. It is a nice pastel green. I wish it was more pigmented because it applies light.

2 coats and TC

This is Holo Pink. It is the perfect candy pink color.

2 coats and TC

This is Holo Orange. Perfect timing since Halloween is coming in 2 months. I don't have too many oranges so yay!

2 coats and TC

This is Holo Yellow. It is surprisingly nice. I almost didn't get it but glad I did. It doesn't clash too badly with my skin tone.

2 coats and TC

Overall, I am happy with these polishes. I absolutely LOVE holo polishes! I just wish Kleancolor polishes didn't smell so bad. Luckily, the smell doesn't turn me away. I read some people can't stand the smell of Seche Vite... hate to know how they feel with these. Anyways, hope you like :)


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