

You Mix glitter update

This is an email I received today. It is also posted on their site. I'm sad because they have great glitter. I especially love the pastel glitter mix. I think this is going to cause issues in the indie polish world. I hope everything works out for everyone affected. 

Dear You Mix Fans,

We have been getting a lot of questions about when certain glitters will be back in stock and have been running around like crazy trying to keep all of our product constantly available to keep up with demand, with not much luck in doing so.  After much deliberation on the matter we have made up our minds how to better assess the situation and have this to say:

When we first started this business, it was a goal to provide solvent resistant glitters for all those desperately seeking quality glitters for their polish making. Since we have started, we have grown and been able to find more products to make available to you. It has only been through the support and love of many that we have been able to take it this far and we thank you. However, we realize we have been failing at meeting the demand and disappointing many of our amazing customers with little or no available stock on the site for the majority of the time. We feel terrible we have let this happen. This is not what we ever wanted nor what our customers deserve. For this reason we have decided to overhaul our business model and start anew. This was a difficult decision to come to as we do not want to lose our customer’s faith in us. But even more than that, we do not want to become a company who’s customers have to constantly stalk restocks for products they want. We think you will much prefer our new way of doing things.

So where do we go from here? We will be adding what we have left of product soon and have a clearing inventory sale. After this time, there will be a small break where we will be doing preparations to re-open. Although we are simplifying and not all our product will be carried over at this time, we will have better prices, more availability, and quicker turn around for shipping. As we grow, we will only add on new products as we can handle them or acquire the help to do so. We apologize for the mistakes we have made and we only hope to learn from those and build a better business to serve our customers. You guys are the reason we have a business and we thank you for all the feedback and support you have given us thus far. We hope to see you stick around once these changes do come into place because we truly enjoy working with you!


Amber and Dustin


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