

A new franken... Silverflake

So I have read that polish with flakes of gold is one of the new trends. Well I'm not a gold fan so I made a silver flake polish. I was just playing around when I made this. I absolutely love the look. So I bought the gold foils for a gold version. I was thinking of possibly selling a few.

This is one coat of Silverflake over two coats of WnW Black Creme. One coat of SV on top.
It took some time to make the silver flakes. I did it by hand with cuticle scissors while watching 21 Jump Street... the movie. I have to say the movie also rocks :)



  1. Are you going to sell these? If so, I want 1of each :)

    1. I plan on selling polishes. I was thinking of making them more personalized. I have a bunch made at home... all different. If you are interested, email me at I want to add that I have a few hundred different glitters so if there is something you would like me to make, just ask (maybe a Christmas polish). I would probably sell them for $6 - $7 a piece. Anyways, I look forward to hearing from you.


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