

TUTORIAL: Autumn Flowers (Flower Technique)

I found this video for a cute flower technique. I figured I would try it and share. I'm still a newbie when it comes to using dotting tools. I need more practice! Anyways, hope you like :)

This is the base color I used. It is Zoya Tracie and is so pretty... green is my fav color :)

Here are all of the colors I used. From the left... Milani Whitest White, Kleancolor Neon Sapphire, WnW Blazed, and Zoya Tracie

This is the laser lace I used. The color is Lime. It is very easy to use and gives a pretty cool effect. I got it at

Here is the tutorial I watched. I definitely need to try again. I am new to using dotting tools and need a bit more practice. The technique seems very easy.


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